Mother and daughter enjoying artwork in living room



Learning About Money, Having Fun

Take just a second and think about the last time that one of your children asked to play a video game. 

Now think about the last time that same child initiated a conversation about the importance of financial literacy and saving money.

It’s a safe bet the video game conversation has come up much more often. It’s possible — and you’re hardly alone — the savings conversation hasn’t come up at all.

At FAB&T we’d like to help those conversations happen together.

Our FABT Jr. app, available for download in the Apple Store and Google Play, is an opportunity for children between the ages of 2 and 12 to learn financial literacy, and develop good financial habits. We know it can be a difficult — and, frankly, boring — conversation to initiate on your own, which is why we recommend the app as an age-appropriate way to get kids thinking about their financial future. 

FABT Jr. offers games to help familiarize kids with types of money, how to save and other financial literacy tips that will come in handy as they grow older.

The digital account register and goal-setting modules encourage kids to develop a financial plan and work toward achieving it. Resist the temptation to become overly involved in managing the account and let your child learn lessons from the choices they make. 

A daily “Did Ya Know” provides a fun fact to help educate kids on the role that money plays in our day-to-day lives. “Did Ya Know” the United States of America has the most traded currency in the world?

Engaging the chores module is a fun way to help kids manage responsibilities around the house and helps them understand the fulfillment that comes from a job well done. Chores tend to be a child’s first “job” and linking them to an allowance are a good way to establish the rewards that come with hard work.

Should your kids want to expand beyond the FABT Jr. app for smartphone and tablet, they can open an FABT Jr. account, our children’s savings program, for as little as $10. Each new account comes with a pair of FAB&T earbuds and provides a great way for children to learn the thrill of having their own money in the bank and how to responsibly manage it.

The sooner children learn about money, the better equipped they’ll be to handle it when they become adults.

FABT Jr. provides a fun, safe way for kids to learn about saving, giving and spending.